Adding responders

You can add responders to your email aliases. Whenever anyone sends email to the alias, a prepared reply is automatically returned to the sender.

To add an email responder:

  1. In the Shortcuts section of the Home page, click Responders (Email section).

  2. On the Responders form, click Add a Responder. The Add Auto Responder form opens.

  3. In the Alias field, choose the email alias to which you want to add a responder.

  4. In the Subject field, enter the topic of the responder. Information in this field appears in the subject line of the responder message.

  5. In the Message field, enter the response message text. Information in this field appears in the body of the responder message.

  6. Click Add Auto Responder.

The responder is added, and becomes available immediately. Email sent to the alias automatically receives a reply from the new responder.

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